Member-only story
Wellness Maintenance
I’ve been on a heck of a health journey and one thing I can say it health is much greater than many things in life. If you have an enjoyable experience happening, but your body is too sick to be present for most of the moment, you don’t get to fully experience it because your body isn’t living in the moment.
I’m incredibly thankful I’m health right now. I can eat an America meal (which are terrible for you, but that’s another article) and not be sick for days, my body isn’t sore, and although I have a few sinus issues I’m breathing pretty clear. All is well enough and I’m incredibly grateful for my health.
That being said, I want to invite my health in and nourish it as much as possible. I try not to eat in line with the American diet and instead try to align with WFPB whenever possible. I’ve started an exercise routine because I can tell my phone and computer typical workplace practices aren’t beneficial for my health. Parts of my body are weak and are more likely to be injured. Healthy core, healthy body. I don’t like exercising or eating healthy, but I do love feeling my best, so it’s a trade off I try to make most of the time.
You’ll sense some wishy-washyness to my speak, I don’t say I eat healthy every meal and exercise at least once a day. That’s because I live in a society where it makes that difficult. I don’t live anywhere particularly special and I do long to go on a yoga retreat where someone else is in charge of what food is available to me and limits my intake to the “sins” of everyday living. But I can’t go…